Category Visual Index Help

This visual index page displays visual representations of all the exercises in a single exercise category. A category may contain more exercises than can be displayed at once, so you may need to scroll the index window to view all the exercises. Below is an example of a category visual index taken from the Orthopedic Kit:

The category visual index pages come in two varieties. The index page shown above uses small images of the exercises so that more can fit on the screen at once. The images are still big enough to be able to discern the details of the exercise portrayed. However, if you wish to view an index with larger exercises you may click on the next to the category title to view an index page with larger images. The category title with large visual index link is shown below:

Similarly, when viewing the large visual index page, you may click on the icon next to the category content to view the index page with smaller images.

In a fashion similar to the text based card indexes, those exercises with accompanying animations are shown with a special document icon in the lower corner. Shown below are two exercise images, one has an associated animation and one does not:

Clicking on the category title returns you back to the category hierarchy with the current category opened. Clicking on an exercise image takes you to that exercise for use in a patient routine.

Entire Kit Visual Indexes

In addition to the category visual indexes, each kit has a single page visual index for the entire kit. However, many of the kits contain hundreds of exercises. Therefore the entire kit visual index can require a lot of scrolling and can be overwhelming. For more information on these indexes, click here.

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